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Monday, November 26, 2007

Collecting leaves sucks!

So a couple of days after snowing, the weather turned out to be fine enough to work outside on the yard. My father left the States before we could finish up collecting all the leaves on the back yard of my house. Well, if I wouldn't do it, then who would?

So I put my sweat shirt on, turned on my iPhone for music, and grabbed a box of plastic bag. I didn't know how long I worked on it, but I did know exactly that it was cold and exhausting especially after the 9th big-full and fat bag like what you can see in the picture. I also tried "again" -- which I'm not going to explain why I put a quote marks there -- to burn those leaves in a chimney. That freakin' smoke always scares me...

My neighbor said that we need to do this sucky job only once a year, which is in the beginning of winter only. I saw him having 3 bags of leaves and burning some of the rest in his chimney. I think he has cleaned the rest before, so he didn't have as much as I had. I had been leaving those leaves on the yard since I moved in here on September, so you could imagine how many bags more I need to finish up the job.

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